Thursday, November 6, 2008

Captain Planet!!!

I was just browsing the bloggosphere and I found a picture of Captain Planet. This picture brought joy to my heart because, not only did it remind of childhood memories, it inspired me because when I was younger I watched the show religiously. The show had a very good message about how recycling avoiding pollution could help our planet. I believe that more shows like this should be made for the younger generation.

This photo can be found here

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Listen Up World

It is clear to everyone in the free world that the United States has elected a new president. For quite some time now there has been conflict between the republican and democratic party over which party's candidate would become president. This cause an unfortunate divide in our nation. Now that the nation has decided on a leader, I believe that our nation can once more unite as one and help make our new job easier. As we all know the position of the president has only been filled by few people and it is clear that no one is ever fully prepared to take on such responsibility. That being said, Our new president has what it takes to do well as our leader. Our country should hope for great things to come.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Growth as a Thinker

Blogging is something new to me. I had always heard of all the wonders a blog can bring, and how blogs were a great outlet to express ones thought and occasionally draw in an interested crowd of intellectuals. Blogs are all that they have been hyped up to be and more; they are a good place for one to express his or her thoughts on a boundless list of topics. They allow the reader to completely customize their site, which make it easier to attract a crowd of similar or even diverse minds who then congregate and have discussions on the allotted topic or topics.
Blogging for me started about a month ago in the form of an assignment for a research class that required students to explore a topic that they felt passionate about. The opportunity to finally educate the world on clean energy had now arrived. My choice of Alternative Energy stemmed from my experience with conventional energy. As a boy, I lived in a town that I deemed very fit to live, however in the next town over lived a childhood friend of of mine Pierre. The town Pierre lived in would be deemed fit to live in except for one problem; he lived not too far from a power plant. Although the power plant was no where close to being within sight, its presence could faintly be felt in Pierre's town.
I approached this project as am sure many others would, with enthusiasm and determination to find out what could be done to develop cleaner, greener energy. My mentality was that it is evident that alternative energy can become reality, because scientist have for a long time developed ways to use everyday norms to produce energy, such as wind, solar, and water. My question of why the world was refusing and delaying alternative energy was answered by some research.
The problem is not whether the country can rid it dependence on foreign oil, its that our dependence on oil is relatively cheap. I felt silly because at one point during this project i entertain the thought of our country may have lacked the skill to mass produce alternative energy; after all, this country leads the world in far more complicated affairs like space travel and research.
My realization of the true problem came with the 2008 presidential election. While both candidates[Obama and McCain] are obviously both intellectuals, i find it hard to believe that alternative energy sources were not as big a deal to them as to me. It was astounding to see our country continually have dry spells of gas and still hail gas as the best energy resource while stocks in alternative energy continuously fall. With these dry spells I hoped that our leaders would take a stand and begin large projects to make a smooth transition form conventional to alternative energy. 
My growth as a thinker has grown substantially especially on my topic but not limited to it. I have found that even great countries do not always have all the answers. several billion dollars are being spent to fund a seemingly perennial war and keep our homeland safe. I have no problem with this, I just have an idea, but it may be it may be more complicated than I believe, but please entertain the thought. What would happen if our leaders put even a fraction of the money they are funding the war with to start country wide alternative energy  education and awareness. This way more people can understand the that there should be a higher demand for alternative energy than oil. 
I will continue to do my part to help the world understand that it takes numbers to accomplish feats

HYMINi-A reponse

The Hymini is definately up for sale and it is very exciting! The Hymini along with several other eco-friendly products can be found here. The prices of these gadgets may be a bit high at the moment but in time, as word spreads of there efficiency they will become more easily accessible.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This little guy is breath of fresh air. It is a tiny wind turbine that works with very little movement. The Hymini can power a ipod, and other small gadgets. Wind is so easily made that gadgets like the Hymini are a positive start.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let the good Blogs roll

This blog is centered around alternative energy and its many potentials. What most interested me about this blog was its focus on ethanol. As many already know, ethanol is a kind of gas substitute that now powers many cars. It is the hope of many that ethanol and and similar products will help alleviate our country's craving for oil.

This blog also preaches of the wonders of ethanol, it differs from The Bioeconomic blog in subtle ways but it mainly provides readers with numbers and facts that may directly affect our everyday lives. I would not recommend this site as being fun, but as far as facts go, it tops my list.

The author of this blog has a very strong opinion concerning energy. He seems to feel that people should work hard in order to deserve what we get. In one of his blogs he criticizes the world for complaining about oil prices when we struggle to pull our weight to help our world become more efficient. This blog is informative because its unconventional; the author relates various news topics to his subject and clearly states facts to help readers make their own decisions.

This blog is centered around new and interesting findings about alternative energy. The author also incorporates news with facts to drive home the point of positive alternative energy. His latest post is very affirming because it involves the purchase of a substantial amount of wind turbines by Mesa Power, LLP owner, T. Boone Pickens. There is still hope.

This blog is not really centered around energy per say, it is more of a site that informs readers of the way people all over are becoming more energy efficient. It is a green site that helps readers break away from non- Eco-friendly living and into a brighter greener world. Very interesting.

This blog warns readers about the dangers of the world we all currently live in. It informs us that there is a good deal of harmful chemicals just in the air alone. This site however, is not negative, it informs readers of how to deal with our oil crisis in a greener way.

This blog is an optimistic one that focuses on how people can use sources around them to create various forms of energy. Ethanol is mentioned in this article and it seems to me that this is a common subject. Ethanol should be taken more seriously because there is great potential in it.

This blog addresses our countries energy plan, or lack there of. There author seems to fear that a procrastination on the subject may lead to irreversible consequences on our economy.

For starters the brilliant irony of this blogs title is an attention grabber. The title implies that our world is well and good; that it is prospering on green energy, but the author explain that this is not so. Our world seems to be more dependant now on non renewable energy sources that the author fears that those energy sources will soon expire and leave us all without a good alternative.

This blog focuses on alternative energy and how to better our planet. The author approaches the topic very unbiasedly which helps the readers make their own decision about the topic. The author also focuses on the pressing issue of our Eco-system. Though much of the blame can be based on power plants, and substantial amount of blame should the placed on the way we manufacture our cars. What goes in will eventually come out. If we make our engines with harmful substances, we will in turn suffer from those very substances.

Fun Reads

Jumping the Fence

I feel like immigration has always been a topic that many people tend to stay away from and this is very unfortunate. Immigrants, whether legal or not are a very valuable asset to our country. In this blog, the author lays out the facts for all to see and in essence brings, this once overlooked topic into very bright lights.

This blog addresses many of our countries economic problems in a clear and unbiased view of the topic. The author address the issue of our countries financial debt and how our nation plans to fix this problem. This blog also questions why our country continues to spend when it is already extreme debt. The author does a great job of holding the reader's attention.

Fantastic blog about our nation's heightened sense of duty and homeland security. The author seems to have a particularly strong focus on airport security. There is a great sense of pride and concern in this blog. Personally, with all I have learned from this blog, I am somewhat assured that our country is safer with each rising of the sun.